Thursday 29 September 2011

Eco-Friendly Bamboo Beds - Product Spotlight

Many consumers are doing their part to find eco-friendly household goods, lighting and other methods of recycling waste to cut down the impact that many of these things have on our environment and natural resources. Furniture is also something can be explored in terms of finding green alternatives. One such alternative is in the form of bamboo.

Bamboo is featured in many products from chopsticks, fencing, musical instruments, flooring, and of course furniture. The pulp from the bamboo plant can also be turned into material or fabric for use in products like mattress coverings, clothing and other uses. Something else that the bamboo plant produce are called shoots. These shoots are cylindrical almost in the shape of a tusk and protrude out away from the base of the plant. In China these shoots are harvested in the spring and winter. The outer part of the shoot is peeled off and they can be cooked and eaten. Chinese consider these a vegetable and can be found throughout markets during the different seasons that they are harvested.

Bamboo is often mistaken as a hardwood from China. It is true that Bamboo is found throughout Asia and most of China however bamboo is actually classified as a plant or a grass. Bamboo grows very quickly and as it matures the stalk of the bamboo grass hardens considerably and typically within 5-7 years many species of bamboo plants have reached almost 60-70 feet tall at which time they can be harvested. Compare this with the fact that most oak and maple trees of the same size take between 40-45 years to reach this same height says a lot about the quick maturity of bamboo plants. Once harvested bamboo can usually be reseeded in about 3 months where the grass will again grow quickly replenishing the land in a short amount of time. This cannot be said however for hardwood trees like oak and maple that require decades of growth. That is why many environmentalists believe using bamboo as an alternative building material or resource can help to alleviate the use of these woods.

A furniture manufacturer in the United States by the name of Ramblin Wood actually decided that they wanted to offer beds in an alternative wood source to help provide customers with the choice of getting furniture made with eco-friendly materials. They visited the Las Vegas market which led them to California and eventually took them all the way to Shanghai China where they discovered a manufacturer making moso bamboo boards for building and construction. They toured the plant as well as the countryside where the bamboo was being harvested and replanted and were quite amazed by the fact that there was no clear cutting. The bamboo was being reseeded so quickly that no sooner had bamboo been harvested people were preparing the soil for replanting. This seemed to them to be a responsibly harvested resource with little to no impact on the environment and Ramblin Wood decided to begin importing the moso bamboo boards into the United States for creating bamboo beds, nightstands, bed drawers and dressers.

After reading this article I hope you'll find that bamboo is an ecological friendly choice as an alternative to other building resources. Bamboo beds, musical instruments, flooring and kitchen cutting boards are just a few of the many uses that bamboo can offer. Bamboo is classified as a grass and because it can be grown, harvested and reseeded so quickly it makes its usefulness as a responsible alternative to hardwoods very apparent. Bamboo is also a source of food in many Asian countries and this further increases its worth as a resource which sets it apart from hardwoods. Alternative building materials like bamboo make sense not only for our homes but also for our planet.

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